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What is the role of the Vitamin B?

Health Food Well being Published on 20/05/2021
What is the role of the Vitamin B?

Why is the vitamin B more complex than the other? How to avoid deficiencies ? The B vitamins complex

The B vitamins complex refers to the eight B vitamins: the vitamin B1 (thiamine), the vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the vitamin B3 (niacin), the vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), the vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), the vitamin B8 (biotin), the vitamin B9 (folate or folic acid) and the vitamin B12 (cobalamins or cyanocobalamin).

This structure is more complex and differs from the one of the other vitamins. It is not possible to state the indications of the vitamin B in general, as they differ according to the different B vitamins. However, the vitamins B6, B9 and B12 have similar indications. One can think about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis or depression. But it’s different for the others! For example, the vitamin B1 plays a role in the metabolism of the carbohydrates and in the energy production while the vitamin B3 is useful in the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of sexual hormones.

Grains, yeasts, whole grains, nuts, dried or green vegetables, fruits, dairy products, giblets, etc.: these are examples of sources of vitamin B. For vegetarian or vegan people, the vitamin B can become an issue, and it is important to be careful about it.

Where can you find these vitamins?

Here are some examples of vitamin B sources in your alimentation.

  • Vitamin B1: dried vegetables (dry peas, lentils, yeast, nuts, grains and whole grains.
  • Vitamin B2: nuts, green vegetables, wheat germs, rice, yeast and mushrooms
  • Vitamin B3: wild rice, yeasts, whole-wheat products, barley, almonds, dried vegetables
  • Vitamin B5: yeast, mushrooms, cashew nuts, oat flakes, rye flour, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, soy, lentils, red pepper, avocado
  • Vitamin B6: yeasts, wheat germs, bananas, nuts, sunflower seeds, lentils, soy, beans, buckwheat flour, avocado
  • Vitamin B8: whole-grain products (bread), yeast, nuts, egg yolk, cauliflower, banana, sardines, mushrooms
  • Vitamin B9: fruits, green vegetables, rice, beans, yeast, soy
  • Vitamin B12: The vitamin B12 can only be found in natural alimentation of animal origin: meats, giblets, eggs, dairy products, fish. It is then necessary to be careful and avoid deficiencies. For that reason, those who follow a vegetarian regime are encouraged to consult specialists that will be able to recommend them the appropriate nutritional supplements.

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