Save up to 50% on you healthy and sustainable groceries
Become a K+ member and benefit from prices up to 50% lower than in organic stores, as well as exclusive advantages.
How it works
Step 1
Start your membership
Sign up for the annual membership and enjoy our member-exclusive advantages.
Step 2
Shop at discounted prices
Stock up on healthy and sustainable products, and save an average of €25 per order.
Step 3
Unpack and enjoy
Within 48 hours at home or in a pickup point, and enjoy your healthy products with your eyes closed.
Member perks
Discounts from 10% up to 50% on your healthy groceries, 25% on average.
Free delivery in pick up points from 69€.
Access to exclusive offers and gifts all year long.
Our member's favorites
Ready to start saving?
Make up the price of the membership in only 3 orders
You save 25€ per order on average, which is 300€ a year. Sometimes much more!
Savings guaranteed
If you don’t make your annual membership fee back in savings by the end of your membership year, we’ll give you the difference back.
Frequently asked questions
Why a membership?
The annual subscription is a win-win system that enables us to reduce our margins, and therefore lower the price of our products, in exchange for your loyalty.
How much is the K+ membership?
The K+ annual membership costs €59, which is just €4.92/month. It is valid for one year and automatically renewed each year. You can cancel the renewal at any time.
Will I really save money?
We guarantee it! The membership usually pays for itself within 3 orders, and our members save an average of €25 per order, or €300 per year. If you don’t make your annual membership fee back in savings by the end of your membership year, we'll refund the difference in vouchers.
Can I pay the membership in multiple times?
The membership lasts 1 year and can only be payed in one go.
How are the non-discounted prices set?
Quite simply, these are our partner brands' recommended retail prices (RRPs).
Can I order without a membership
Of course you can! The membership is not mandatory to order on Kazidomi. You can order without being a member, and simply pay the non-discounted prices. These "non-member" prices are the recommended retail prices (RRP) of the brands we work with.